JANUARY 25 - 27, 2023

I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.

JOEL 2:28


DATE: January 25 - 27, 2023


Early Bird Rate - $149
Regular Rate - $179



Senior Leaders C3 Church Global


Founder and President of Renewal International

Simon & Valerie

C3 Americas Regional Overseers
& Conference Hosts

And other C3 voices


Day 1

5:00PM Pre-Party (at C3 Church Atlanta)
5:45PM Night Session

Day 2

9:30AM - 11:30AM Morning sessions (at Hotel Colee)
11:30AM Lunch around the city
3:30PM Pre-Party (at C3 Church Atlanta)
4:30PM Night Session

Day 3

9:30AM - 11:30AM Morning sessions (at Hotel Colee)
11:30AM Lunch around the city
3:30PM Pre-Party (at C3 Church Atlanta)
4:30PM Night Session

Book your stay here

We’ve negotiated an amazing rate for our conference hotel - Hotel Colee - in the exciting city of Atlanta. Click the link below to take advantage of this great offer!


Will I need to rent a car while I’m in Atlanta?
Yes! You will need to rent a car to get from your hotel in the city to C3 Church Atlanta - 1065 Walther Blvd. Lawrenceville, GA 30043. There are plenty of car rental agencies (including Turo - airbnb for cars) in the area.

How much time should I allow for travel from the hotel to the church?
Atlanta is known for its southern hospitality, its juicy peaches, and traffic that will make you question your Christianity. We are purposely starting our pre-party at 3:30pm in order to help avoid rush hour traffic. It takes 35 minutes to get from the hotel to the church, without traffic, so plan to take advantage of those pre-parties as rush hour usually begins at 3:30pm.

Will there be food available at the conference?

We will have snacks at our pre-parties each evening and, of course, coffee for every session. You will be responsible for your own meals throughout the conference.
Will there be a mother's lounge available?
Yes, but only during our evening sessions! Sessions will be live-streamed into the mother’s lounge. Please note: this is for small infants only.

Are kids allowed to come to conference?
We will not have a formal childcare program for this conference. If there is a need, we will be willing to hire a few babysitters to staff one room for the children of those parents that have no other option for childcare. We can only accommodate a small number of children and space will be given on a first pre-registered, first served basis. Please reach out to [email protected] for a special registration form.

Will I be serving at this conference?
Yes! If you are not a Senior Pastor, we are asking that you serve in some capacity. On your registration, you’ll be asked which area you would like to serve, but please be flexible to go where the need is!
We will be receiving an offering at the conference, so we encourage everyone to consider how you can participate. If you aren’t able to be there I’d love you to still be a part of this – as seed/faith for your church’s future. This year our giving will go towards being generous to our guest – Dr Rob Reimer, and covering any conference expenses that the Registration didn’t - we made the Conference as financially accessible as possible. As well, we would like to use this offering to contribute towards the Express Course (Bootcamp) for new, rising and ‘ready to go’ leaders. Come prepared by praying, maybe even speaking to your Board and/or Leadership team.